The REST API allows clients to run tasks and workflows as jobs, query job status as they run, and retrieve results once jobs are finished.

Registering Jobs

A job is simply a task or workflow that has been made available through the REST API. Tasks and workflows are made available as jobs with the NC_REGISTERED_JOBS setting. The NC_REGISTERED_JOBS is a dictionary of registered jobs:

    'task_job': {
        'type': 'task,
        'task': 'myapp.ncdjango_tasks.SomeTask'
    'workflow_job': {
        'type': 'workflow',
        'path': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'myapp/workflows/some_workflow.json')

A basic job registration requires three things:

  1. The job name (this is the dictionary key). This is the name that client will use when running the job.
  2. The job type. This is either task or workflow.
  3. The task, or path to the workflow file. For tasks, this is a module path. For workflows, it’s the absolute path to the workflow’s JSON file.

Automatically Publishing Results

Jobs can be optionally configured to publish raster results as map services by adding an extra key to the job configuration:

    'some_job': {
        'type': 'task',
        'task': 'myapp.ncdjango_tasks.SomeTask',
        'publish_raster_results': True

If the job returns raster results, ncdjango will automatically write the results to NetCDF datasets and publish them as temporary services. It will then return the newly created service name as the value of those output field.

By default, a black-to-white gradient will be used as the default renderer for the service. You can also specify a renderer to use for published results:

from clover.render.renderers.stretched import StretchedRenderer
from clover.utilities.color import Color

    'some_job': {
        'type': 'task',
        'task': 'myapp.ncdjango_tasks.SomeTask',
        'publish_raster_results': True,
        'results_renderer': StretchedRenderer([
            (0, Color(255, 0, 0)),
            (100, Color(0, 0, 255))


See for more information on available renderers.

results_renderer can also be a function which returns a renderer. The function will be called with the output raster.

    'some_job': {
        'type': 'task',
        'task': 'myapp.ncdjango_tasks.SomeTask',
        'publish_raster_results': True,
        'results_renderer': lambda raster: StretchedRenderer([
            (raster.min(), Color(255, 0, 0)),
            (raster.max(), Color(0, 0, 255))

Cleaning up Temporary Services

To clean up temporary services. Run the celery task ncdjango.geoprocessing.celery_tasks.cleanup_temporary_services. You can run this directly as a function, in the background as a celery task, or set it up to run periodically using celery beat. The function will delete any temporary services older than NC_MAX_TEMPORARY_SERVICE_AGE.

Using the API

The API allows clients to do two things: execute jobs, and query job status, including outputs once the job has completed.

Execute a Job

To execute a job, make a POST request to /geoprocessing/rest/jobs/` with two fields: the registered job name, and JSON-encoded inputs:

    "job": "some_job",
    "inputs": "{\"in\": 5}"


The inputs field must be a string containing an encoded JSON object, rather than part of the JSON object used for the request.


If you have CSRF protection enabled, you will also need to send a valid CSRF token using the X-CSRFToken header, or sending a csrfmiddlewaretoken form parameter.

The API will return information about the newly created job, including the UUID which can be used to query job status:

    "uuid": "aa346c90-68e5-4d19-a7f3-a54f6b87ec34",
    "created": "2016-09-02T23:36:10.768937Z",
    "status": "pending",
    "inputs": "{\"in\": 5}",
    "outputs": "{}"

Query Job Status

To query job status, make a GET request to /geoprocessing/rest/jobs/<uuid>/` using the uuid value returned from the initial request to execute the job. The response will be identical, but the status will change as the job executes and finishes, and after it’s succeeded, outputs will be provided.

GET /geoprocessing/rest/jobs/aa346c90-68e5-4d19-a7f3-a54f6b87ec34/
    "uuid": "aa346c90-68e5-4d19-a7f3-a54f6b87ec34",
    "created": "2016-09-02T23:36:10.768937Z",
    "status": "started",
    "inputs": "{\"in\": 5}",
    "outputs": "{}"

A jQuery Example

var data = {
    job: 'some_job',
    inputs: JSON.stringify({'in': 5})

$.post('/geoprocessing/rest/jobs/', data).success(function(data) {

function pollJobStatus(uuid) {
    $.get('/geoprocessing/rest/jobs/' + uuid + '/').success(function(data) {
        if (data.status === 'success') {
            var outputs = JSON.parse(data.outputs);
            // Do something with job outputs
        else if (data.status === 'pending' || data.status === 'started') {
            setTimeout(function() { pollJobStatus(uuid) }, 1000);
        else {
            // Handle error